Lake Elsinore Honda

Jun 28, 2022

How Can I Prevent My Car from Fogging Up? 6 Pro Tips

One of a car driver’s most frustrating experiences is when their car windows and windshield fog up. As condensation occurs on the car windows and windshield, it becomes more difficult to see properly, potentially leading to accidents. Furthermore, as fog builds up on the automobile windshield, it gets more difficult to wipe off and clean using windshield wipers. This can result in total sight loss. 

Don’t worry; the experts at Lake Elsinore Honda will give you a few pro tips to get rid of the fog in just a few minutes! We will also tell you how to prevent your car windows and windshields from fogging up during the summer.

Tip 01: Keep the Windows Clean

Clean glass is less prone to fogging up, so clean your car windows and windshield using a microfiber cloth and glass cleaners regularly.

Tip 02:  Use Anti-Fogging Products

There are varieties of anti-fogging products accessible online and at various stores. Keep one on hand and apply a fine sheet of anti-fogging protection on your car’s windshields and windows every time you wash the car or before going on any drive. 

You can apply shaving cream on the car window and windshield. Keep it on for a few minutes, and then wipe it off with a clean towel. This will function as a protective sheet.

Tip 03: Get Rid of Wet Items

Remove any moisture sources from your vehicle, such as wet umbrellas, drink cans, travel mugs that may contain liquid, or damp shoes. Such items can increase the humidity in the cabin, increasing the likelihood of fog.

Tip 04: Try Using Silica Gel Balls

Keep a few silica gel balls in the car for defogging windshields and absorbing moisture from the inside. You can even try using socked-up cat litter to absorb moisture inside the automobile. It works as a fantastic dehumidifier.

Tip 05: Park in the Garage

On warmer days, try parking your car in the garage with the windows down or leave two windows slightly open to allow air to circulate, but shut them before sunset to avoid dew.

Tip 06: Keep Your Windows Open

When it comes to automobile windows, the easiest way to eliminate the possibility of fogged-up windows while driving is to keep them open. While it may not be to the passengers’ or drivers’ liking, it is a safe and quick response that can keep you out of harm’s way. 

Before learning how to keep your car from fogging up, you must understand why it happens. If you’ve ever wondered why your windows fog up, or if you’re having trouble preventing it, our skilled car mechanics can assist you!

Lake Elsinore Honda‘s Honda service center in Riverside, CA, will help you maintain your car in like-new condition by performing the manufacture-recommended maintenance.

Schedule your service today!